• chiliedogg@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Potato canons and go karts were the slightly dangerous things we needed as kids.

    I recently read a book called “The anxious generation” that goes into depth talking about the developmental changes in young people over the last 30 years, and it attribute a lot of it to the douboe-whammy combination of 90s and 2000s helicopter parenting paired with the rise of the smartphone.

    We need to unsupervised, slightly dangerous playtime and mischief to learn how to deal with problems on our own or with peers, and we need human interaction to learn to socialize. Removing both of those leads to an increased number of people unprepared to handle social situations and stress.

    The book definitely had a feeling of bias for argument to match preconceived conclusion that social media is bad, but I think there may have been something to it.