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We moved into this house about a year ago. I’ve been making an effort to have a mix of wild and cottage vibes for the garden, as this was our first winter I’ve been able to get some decent designing down. Last year was a bit of a panic as we didn’t know how the sun would lay and with moving in, our planting was done really late. But this year is the year I establish hedges as even though we’re in a wood no one has anything in their front gardens and not much in the rear including mine.

I put a pond in last summer after liberating a water tank out of a skip which lives in the wild part of the garden. So the plan is for the native hedging to run the length of the garden, with intermittent decorative ones like the sweet briar for the parts closer to the house.

The front of the garden is going to be the nepeta as it’ll be easy to control it from spilling onto the path. It also allows people to see the front garden while giving us a bit more of an established boundary that grass alone doesn’t really do.

Are there any tips or suggestions for anything I might be missing?

  • Uranium 🟩
    1 month ago

    Fox gloves (though maybe avoid if you have young children, or animals who are likely to eat them).


    Linaria purpurea (not native but naturalised basically everywhere in England), the bees and other pollinators absolutely love them.

    Lobelia of different varieties.

    Elderberry is a nice option, flowers and berries can be used in recipes

    Apple, plum, pear and peach are all good to espalier

    Gooseberry and currents will grow no matter what.

    Budliah is great for bees and butterflies, is very fast growing and has lots of flowers for basically 9 months of the year. I would be careful with he variety you get, make sure it is a dwarf variety as it likes to self seed and the larger varieties can require multiple trims a year.

    Use things like rosemary if you want relatively short boundary bushes, can also be used for cooking, they like being pruned back etc