Not asking for donations, i just want to vent

$100 for 2 application fees, a $9 "service fee"each to pay for the application fee

$30 pet registration fee, with a $9 “service fee” to pay the $30

$400 pet deposit

$1500 damage deposit with a $50 “service fee” to pay that

$1500 first month rent

This is all for the cheapest 1 bedroom apt I could find this is insane. Also why was a 10 month lease like $300 a month cheaper than a longer lease? They’re gonna bump the rent up at least that much after aren’t they?

    1 month ago

    In Boston it’s normal to have to pay full months rent for the first and last month, and the realtor fee. That’s 3 full months rent, plus any application and credit report fees, per deposit, etc. So it’s not unrealistic to pay $5-10k just to get into an old, shitty apartment that college students have been puking in for decades.