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The feeling of an open boat, but with increased protection from the elements. That’s one of the great innovations of the new boat class in the next generation of rescue boats.
Rescue Lars, the first boat in the Lars Bjerkander class, has big shoes to fill. It is a further development of the Swedish Sea Rescue Society’s open Gunnel Larson class - the type of boat that performs by far the most missions per year within the Sea Rescue Society.
The goal of the Lars Bjerkander class is to take advantage of what we have done well in the past and bring it into the future. An open boat creates presence, and we want to keep that, but at the same time we need to increase the crew’s endurance and response time. That’s why the new boat has a roof and a windshield to protect the crew,” says Jonas Carlsson, responsible for new construction at Sjöräddningssällskapet.
The first boat in the new boat class could be built after a generous gift from Gun Bjerkander Handberg and is named after Gun’s late husband Lars.
More info in Swedish: