That was always my trick, too. I also used to keep my lighters on a lighter leash back when they first starting getting popular. If I didn’t clip it on my clothes, I’d put the whole thing in my pocket, and when someone wants a light I just hold the clippy part and hand them the lighter. I ain’t letting go. I want my lighter back.
My mom, though, man, she was the biggest lighter thief back in the day. She’d go to a party in the 90s and 00s, when everyone smoked, and each time she lit up she’d ask for a light and accidently (she claims) pocket it. By the end of the night when she got home she’d have 15-30 lighters in her purse. I have literally seen her dump a pile of bics on a bed from her pocket book, and it looked like Technicolor vomit spewing out of a leather bag. Lmao
Ppl think white lighters are bad so you can peel off the sticker and use it that way, no one steals them
That was always my trick, too. I also used to keep my lighters on a lighter leash back when they first starting getting popular. If I didn’t clip it on my clothes, I’d put the whole thing in my pocket, and when someone wants a light I just hold the clippy part and hand them the lighter. I ain’t letting go. I want my lighter back.
My mom, though, man, she was the biggest lighter thief back in the day. She’d go to a party in the 90s and 00s, when everyone smoked, and each time she lit up she’d ask for a light and accidently (she claims) pocket it. By the end of the night when she got home she’d have 15-30 lighters in her purse. I have literally seen her dump a pile of bics on a bed from her pocket book, and it looked like Technicolor vomit spewing out of a leather bag. Lmao