Context: Google “Philly Plane Crash”

Just happened like a hour ago

Condolences to the victims 😓

  • Eugene V. Debs'
    1 month ago

    I’ve not yet had it happen to my family or anyone I know, but there’s nothing America would push for if it meant singling out a creed.

    COVID-19 was detected in China? Clearly they’re disgusting, we need to limit imports! Have fox news make citizens commit hate crimes to any East asian!

    Israel is attack Palestinians again? Arab people deserved it for 9/11! Arrest those who want less bloodshed!

    Black people are rioting for their rights after murderers getting off scott free? Monsters! TVs are more important than human lives! Fund the police!

    9/11 happened? Ban all Arabs! Anyone with a turban is the enemy! Speak American as we erode your rights to catch the next terrorist!

    Pearl Harbor?! Detain every Japanese citizen into camps! Steal everything from them and never give it back!

    America claims to love freedom and be a melting pot but man does it love to use those for justifying hatred to the current target minority scapegoat of this week’s 2 minutes of hate.