The money, confiscated by the State from you and me through property taxes, didn’t go towards the education of our children. It went into the pockets of incompetent, lazy, greedy union teachers and their colossal organization of failure.
What a completely shit take. Carlin would never want his words twisted to support such a warped view of reality.
I don’t know enough about Carlin to agree but I agree that this take is somewhat bad. He is right that the state takes taxes for “education”, and that much of it isn’t going towards the education of our kids, but that’s not the fault of teachers. If teachers were getting overpaid, we’d have way more of them. I believe that it’s school admins who are pocketing most of the money and preventing teachers from getting the pay increases they deserve.
What a completely shit take. Carlin would never want his words twisted to support such a warped view of reality.
I don’t know enough about Carlin to agree but I agree that this take is somewhat bad. He is right that the state takes taxes for “education”, and that much of it isn’t going towards the education of our kids, but that’s not the fault of teachers. If teachers were getting overpaid, we’d have way more of them. I believe that it’s school admins who are pocketing most of the money and preventing teachers from getting the pay increases they deserve.