
The White House is drafting an executive order to dismantle the Department of Education, aligning with Trump’s long-standing pledge.

However, Congress must approve the agency’s abolition, making its passage unlikely despite GOP control. Critics, including the National Education Association, warn this move would harm students, increase costs, and weaken protections.

GOP lawmakers have repeatedly attempted to eliminate the department since its 1979 founding.

Trump also recently signed an order expanding school choice, reinforcing the Republican agenda of decentralizing education policy.

    1 month ago

    Hey evryone!! Big mooves are hapening in the world of Ed-U-Kashun! The Departmint of Edukation is gettin the boot!!! No more bossy beurocratz teling teechers what 2 do!!! Trumps doin it, an its about TIME!!

    Thnik about it—why do we need a bunch of folks in Washintun teling local skools how 2 run??? It’s like they no better then us parints and edukaytors. Time too cut the kord and let fredom RING!!

    But wate, some peepul are crying fowl!! The NEA an other groops are UPSET becuz they cant keep there grip on things. They want MORE RULEZ an HIGER TAXIS so they can stay in charge!?!? Can u beleev that?? It’s all about KEEPING POWER, NOT HELPIN KIDS!!!

    Without the DOE skools can save monee an stop following outdate rulez!! Teechers can TEACH how THEY WANT and studants can LERN at THERE own pace!!! It’s like a fresh start 4 evryone!!!

    And dont 4get Trumps skool choice oder!!! Now, local leeders can decide what wurks BEST for there kidz!! No more distunt beurocrats messing things UP!!

    So, let’s MAKE IT HAPEN!!! The Dept of Edukashun is HISTORY!!! Skool choice is on the table, an local leeders are READY to take CHARGE!! Who needs a Dept of Ed when you got SMART FOLKS makin desishuns 4 ur kidz?? LETS GO EDUKASHUN FREDOM!!!