In months where you don’t utilize any searches on your plan, we will automatically apply a full credit to your account for that month. This credit will be applied to your next billing cycle, effectively covering your subsequent month’s subscription at no additional cost.
I thought I knew how to pronounce Kagi, but their pronunciation guide kah-gee makes me wonder how “gee” is pronounced. Like the G in GIF or like the G in GIF?
If it’s a Japanese romanization (which it looks like, but idk for sure), it’s almost certainly a hard G as in gator.
When a new startup gets a 4 letter dot com domain name, I have to assume they found an available or for sale four letter domain name that was pronounceable then tried to push some meaning into it. Four letter dot coms are not exactly easy to find. I’d probably not read too much into the word itself.
However, if it is a hard G, that’s good, because that’s how I’ve been saying it.
It may not have initially been chosen for its meaning, but on their website they do say this:
What Does “Kagi” Mean? The word “kagi” means “key” in Japanese.
You pronounce kagi in Japanese as ka-gi with a hard G. (Source: Wiktionary)
Ooh nice find, thanks!
I always found it funny that in Italian kagi is read “caghi” which is a mediumly-rude word for “you take a dump”.
Not what you were looking for, sorry for the OT :)
Haha maybe they need to update their logo! 💩
Neither. It’s G in GIF.
I love it! Very fancy sounding!
Still costs $5 even if you only make a single search that month…
What if they made it so that a single search per month was fine too? You’d be back complaining that it’d be $5 if you only made 2 searches that month.
It’s really hard to set a cut-off here.
I want to just want a prepaid plan rather than a subscription service. Let me buy 100 searches for $5 and when they run out, let me make another purchase if I want.
Right I can see where you’re coming from but that incentivises using Kagi less which IMV is a really bad incentive for all parties involved.
Even if you are paying for the $5/month plan, you still are incentivized to be careful to not run out early without any option for topping up other than switching to the higher tier subscription service. $5 isn’t worth it for like 20 searches/month imo.
Is there a European version of Kagi?
There’s MetaGer ( which is run by German non-profit NGO SUMA-EV. Instead of a subscription it is a pre-paid key that’s consumed per search, so you only ever pay for what you use. The NGO is also part of the European effort to build an OpenWebIndex. Disclaimer: I’m part of that NGO.
Never heard of this before - sounds interesting. However, I just went to try it, and I’m immediately in a catch 22. I have no idea whether the service is any good without adding funds, and I’m not going to add any funds without knowing if its any good.
Yes, this is currently a problem since we were forced to discontinue the only way to use MetaGer free of charge (for now). I do hope that there will be a solution within this year. In the meantime I’ve sent you a demo key via DM.
Much appreciated. I’ll give it a go!
Neologisms don’t get to tell me how they are pronounced. I decide what sounds best, and if others agree then that’s it.
Kagi rhymes with Maggie.
Edit: lmao I guess it don’t