Nobody ever says this about mediocre white women, or any POC of any gender
Seems to me that these people want to date people of high social status/privilege in society - and due to mediocre white men’s complete lack of any highly positive qualities - by virtue of being “mediocre” - can more easily be stripped back to only being viewed as white and a man as the sole standing “positive qualities”, making them a more pure symbol of status/privilege
Would it be splitting hairs to say ‘generic’ over ‘mediocre?’ Mediocre has a more negative connotation when I feel the desire for average.
Anyway, I’ve seen it as seeking an average guy you can see in most media depictions and institutions of power. White is just default for a lot of people. Terms like ‘Average Joe’ can really highlight that assumption.
If someone is immersed in a country that promotes the myth of white supremacy, I feel like the default safe option is an inoffensive, unremarkable white man.
Racist institutions make it harder to date other people and that’s by design.
Don’t date different genders.
Don’t date white men above your station.
Don’t date different ethnicities.
Don’t not date.
I think for a lot of people, mediocre white guys are the safest option because you get the least resistance.
It’s exhausting. It’s hard to find people you want to date and for some, going for the mediocre white guy without complications is just the easier option.
Being a person of color, I don’t think my family would cheer if I dated an average white guy, but I would get fewer complaints and weird questions. It would be a conversation ender.