After a three-month long wait, the NieR Automata anime adaptation returns on July 23, 2023. Its four last episodes will air back to back on the same day to make up for the wait. These will be episodes 9 through 12. The production committee thanked viewers for their patience and support through the various difficulties experienced during the broadcast of the show, and apologized to viewers for the wait.
If you are coming from the game then its mostly disappointing. From what I’ve heard, the production was a mess. animation quality was sub par, due to not giving animators enough time.
Adapting a video game is pretty hard by itself, so with the scheduling issues it tuened out ro be disappointing.
Video by Canipa Effect talking about it
@Awerenj idk. I enjoyed it. I felt it was a pretty faithful adaptation
I’ve played the game and it’s been pretty faithful. The animation quality has been really good so far with mixing 3D assets and 2D characters in fights scenes.
I’ve delayed watching all that has been released though because of the production delays, so if there has been a dip, I have not seen it.