When this labourer falls, its his employer’s insurance that is going to make a payout. The cost of the insurance policy is wrapped up into the contract price that the landowner paid to have the construction done. So ultimately it is the owner that looses out.
Meanwhile the worker is literally fucking dead and is minced meat on the ground in the pursuit of enriching their employer. But that doesn’t count as losing out apparently.
When this labourer falls, its his employer’s insurance that is going to make a payout. The cost of the insurance policy is wrapped up into the contract price that the landowner paid to have the construction done. So ultimately it is the owner that looses out.
Meanwhile the worker is literally fucking dead and is minced meat on the ground in the pursuit of enriching their employer. But that doesn’t count as losing out apparently.
Of course it’s the owner that loses out. Maybe he even has to attend the funeral!
Imagine how much that must cost!
Cost of doing business. He knew what he was getting into.
If he wanted a safer job, he should have become a cop so he can just shoot whatever danger there is.
So if the owner gets guillotined or Luigi’d for exploiting their workers, that’s also cost of doing business right?
this is pure comedy gold and y’all just downvoting like dead peasant insurance pays out to the family or something.
Hard to say with a .world
Idk man I think it’s worse to lose your life than to pay a bit extra in an insurance premium