• eldavi@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago

    … the Rosebud of your political view.

    i love this so i’m going to steal it. lol

    at first i was surprised that i wasn’t rejected; but i’ve since then learned that the way i patronize these clubs virtually guarantee’s my approval and my experiences with these two clubs along with several others is indeed the rosebud of my political view.

    i wield the few social privileges i i’m aware i have like cudgel every chance i get; one almost always guarantees approval into clubs like horsemarket and the other takes the form of a social masking coping technique, which i’ve learned is (somehow?!!!) charming/appealing enough to usually make friendships from these clubs.

    just like at horsemarket, i used both cudgels to make these new & temporary friends from berlin who told me about some of the trends and inner-circles of their club and i was surprised by the cosa-nostra-like way that it was all conducted; i also learned from them later that if didn’t have both cudgeols, i would never be allowed to go in the future.

    in the united states, i don’t need either cudgel.

    i tried using the subjectivity of entrance criteria to describe this socially-driven/cosa-nostra manner that non-american spaces employ and i think it’s a sign as clear as that FAQ of why it exists; mainsteam gay men tend to lack inclusivity and horsemarketsf and fickstutenmarkt are main stream gay parties with mostly mainstream gays.

    my third cudgeol affords me the ability to be happy in both mainstream and non-mainstream clubs that are horsmarket adjacent and from them i’ve made significantly longer lasting friendships.

    the accessibility to these clubs is what makes american queer spaces unique compared to those of the rest of the world; including western europe. it’s unencumbered by the socially-driven historical baggage that keeps a place like berlin out of reach, but getting past the door more easily in SF is not what matters. what matters is that you know that you can open those doors without requiring anyone’s approval and that opening the first door can show you that there are multiple other doors that open into spaces that are made for & by people just like you.

    if you’re an american; those subsequent doors are likewise unencumbered and i HIGHLY recommend them for their friendships as well and their temporary pleasantness. lol