I have one of those fully analog percolators for two cups of espresso and I always fully packed the coffee… uuh, slot (I have no idea what that mini-funnel’s called). My coffee usually tastes like how No Exit feels and I pour the entire percolator into a single mug, so that’s two espressos.
Today, I ran out of ground coffee, had about half a load left. Coffee came out looking normal, tastes like slightly bitter water to me. Then it hit me, this is how everyone to whom I’ve ever offered coffee has always asked me to make it a second time around. Mfw they wanted unleaded all along…
If i have a sip left and i can see the bottom of the mug the coffee is not dark enough.
I share that opinion, which is why it surprised me that it looked ok… And I’m drinking it in a clear receptacle, so even more so! It was just weak, it’s all.
Honestly, this landed more on the side of “maybe I should dial it down a bit” than anything else…
No! Don’t do it! Your body will force you to cut down on that black nectar as you age anyway, so drink while you can! Now me for example? I can only have one cup a day now or payment is due in full immediately so haha do it for me hahahaha
Yeaah, bought fresh coffee this morning (I go out when there are no people because I don’t wanna see people rn, maybe when I calm down a bit) and brewed my standard rust stripper. I can’t go back now, in it 'til my arteries pop.