• saltesc@lemmy.world
            16 hours ago

            To invest energy on such a comment, defending oneself. But to complain about an outcome that could be resolved if the same energy were spent on it .

            It is to be so mad that all one can focus on is punching themself in the face to get out the frustration, rather than actually taking responsibility and moving forward

            Best part is, no one likes being told the mess they’re in was out of their control. And so here it is. .A true gif that’ll get downvoted, getting truer and truer with each apathetic thumb press.

            Edit: Other western nations have their issues, but the public is still a strong force. They act. They’re feared by politicians and billionaires. And that’s why we don’t get butt fucked

            Do something.

            There’s more of you than the grumbles on Lemmy that aren’t gonna do shit. It’ll just get worse because you ironically wasted your energy here. You had the right idea, but the execution is so bad it hurts you and gets worse