Why not just use plain text then? I mean if your important content can be summarized into the most basic structure, why not just create your own markup format that makes sense to you? Makes no sense why you’d limit yourself to CommonMark.
Search around for “death file” - you’ll be surprised how many things people need to write down over & above their will, and the next generation might just search for exactly this
Why not just use plain text then? I mean if your important content can be summarized into the most basic structure, why not just create your own markup format that makes sense to you? Makes no sense why you’d limit yourself to CommonMark.
Sure does; other people understand it too.
Your kids in 20 years trying to find your will, will love you.
Search around for “death file” - you’ll be surprised how many things people need to write down over & above their will, and the next generation might just search for exactly this