Many conservatives have a loose relationship with facts. The right-wing denial of what most people think of as accepted reality starts with political issues: As recently as 2016, 45 percent of Republicans still believed that the Affordable Care Act included “death panels” (it doesn’t). A 2015 poll found that 54 percent of GOP primary voters believed then-President Obama to be a Muslim (…he isn’t).

Why are conservatives so susceptible to misinformation? The right wing’s disregard for facts and reasoning is not a matter of stupidity or lack of education. College-educated Republicans are actually more likely than less-educated Republicans to have believed that Barack Obama was a Muslim and that “death panels” were part of the ACA. And for political conservatives, but not for liberals, greater knowledge of science and math is associated with a greater likelihood of dismissing what almost all scientists believe about the human causation of global warming.___

    21 days ago

    Gullible yes, probably motions too. You can be extremely intelligent and still have massive blind spots. My mom and Grandpa are both conservatives but I’d consider them intelligent. I was able to have discussions with them and convince them a lot of conservative policy is unnecessarily cruel and short sighted. Got both to promise me they wouldn’t vote for Trump, but they’re fiscally conservative because they’ve got money.