Hey folks, I’m hoping to find French Youtube channels to subscribe to based on the topics above. I don’t get to engage much with French and I’m trying to maintain my ability to understand it and speak it. I figured if I inject some french content into my Youtube algorithm that would be very helpful.

Any recommendations would be appreciated. :)

  • morgunkorn
    13 days ago

    aw shucks ☺️ that’s so nice of you to say! the beehaw community has blown me away, everyone is really positive here, i love it and really glad to be able to give back!

    mental health, news, world events

    These days you really have to protect yourself, the influx of bad news is constant. And none of us can do anything about what madness occurs in presidential palaces and war zones. I blocked most communities that pump this kind of content. It’s everywhere else, i don’t need to see it when browsing lemmy.