• Bronzebeard@lemm.ee
      11 days ago

      Who the fuck were they polling? He didn’t even get 50% of the votes during the election. He STARTED as more unpopular than not.

      • Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
        11 days ago

        It’s similar but not quite the same, a lot of the approval came from the disapproval of Biden’s Presidency. Mostly because people are fed up with living paycheck to paycheck under the status quo and want radical change. That pretty much explains the difference in Trump’s major disapproval at the end of his first term to the approval we saw at the start of his second. That said, his base approval is still much lower than most presidents have at their start and his approval rating is dropping fast. It’s already turned negative in only a month and I only see it getting more negative as people experience the effects of his fascist policies

    • Majorllama@lemmy.world
      12 days ago

      I wasnt arguing that many people aren’t extremely unhappy with him right now. I was simply making a point that these polls always seem to be way off.

      Like I remember several times when Biden was “doing well” even my super Democrat parents were like “I don’t know who is saying they like this guy”.

      Feels like the type of thing where you would need to ask multiple people from multiple places to get even sorta accurate information. If we took a poll on Lemmy he would have like 1% approval rating. If we took it in bumfuck Alabama he would probably have like 90% approval rating.

      • Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
        12 days ago

        I don’t know what polls you’re referring to about Biden, from my understanding he was consistently unpopular since late 2021


        Feels like the type of thing where you would need to ask multiple people from multiple places to get even sorta accurate information

        That’s the benefit of 538 metrics, with utilize a vast range of polls detailed below the graphs.

        For other polls such as on policy, I agree that wording and methodology are quite important. For that reason I gravitate towards YouGov and DataForProgress which have had consistently good polling

        • Majorllama@lemmy.world
          12 days ago

          It wasn’t anything saying Biden was overall good or popular. More like they would read articles mentioning whenever Bidens approval rating would go up and they would get confused who was suddenly happy with him.

          I admittedly I have done zero research into how they actually collect the data for those polls. I just always got the impression that they were not actually asking a wide enough variety of people because the data seems consistently ahead or behind of public sentiment.

          If I were the conspiracy theory type I might think they use polls in an attempt to change public opinions of the president. By saying hes more or less popular than polled they might get people to change their options one way or another. Because we all know lots of people just want to be on the winning team so they feel like less of a failure in their daily existence. Bandwagining is the term I believe. My step-brother in law is this exact type of conspiracy theorist lol.

          • Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
            12 days ago

            You can read through their methodologies if interested



            Public sentiment and public opinions are mostly affected by the rhetoric they hear and lived experience (material conditions).

            Rhetoric is certainly wielded to affect public sentiment, if you’re interested in learning more about how, you should read Manufacturing Consent

            Manufacturing Consent

            The essential ingredients of our propaganda model, or set of news “filters,” fall under the following headings: (I) the size, concentrated ownership, owner wealth, and profit orientation of the dominant mass-media firms; (~) advertising as the primary income source of the mass media; (3) the reliance of the media on information provided by government, business, and “experts” funded and approved by these primary sources and agents of power; (4) “flak” as a means of disciplining the media; and (5) “anticommunism” as a national religion and control mechanism. These elements interact with and reinforce one another. The raw material of news must pass through successive filters, leaving only the cleansed residue fit to print. They fix the premises of discourse and interpretation, and the definition of what is newsworthy in the first place, and they explain the basis and operations of what amount to propaganda campaigns.
