Congressman Al Green and fellow Democrats began singing the civil rights song “We Shall Overcome,” after the House voted to censure the Texas lawmaker.

Green was given the rebuke for heckling and waving his cane at Donald Trump during the president’s joint session of Congress. Ten Democrats joined Republicans to vote for the censure.

      2 days ago

      Yeah, because I’m an elected official, right? Someone who ran a whole campaign and got people to vote for me based on my qualities of leadership?

      But sure let’s play this game: How about fucking anything? Delay, obstruct, filibuster, use the GOP’s own playbook against them for a start. Literally anything would be better than holding up useless little signs while capitulating, then admonishing Green for actually having a pair. They should be out rallying people, at the very least making some noise. They should be applying pressure to vulnerable GOP members who barely won their seats by organizing in their districts, make them state their direct support of Trump’s and Elon’s bullshit to their constituents.

      FFS, Elon, the richest piece of shit in the world, is the easiest thing to get people worked up against if they actually embraced working class issues, but they’re too afraid they’ll upset their rich donors.

      The saddest thing is this was all so very predictable the moment they decided Biden was their candidate. If I still had facebook, I’d show you my old post stating that Biden would win against Trump, serve one term where he would do little to nothing to actually counter him (“fundamentally, nothing will change”) or sway America away from MAGA mentality, then lose to someone even worse than Trump (Trump 2.0 is worse, but even I couldn’t predict America would be this stupid).