INB4 chumps discover that cooling hardware in a vacuum is, in fact, quite difficult.
What if me make a heat laser? /s
What would they use it for? The 2.5 seconds of latency would be too high for most uses. Cooling will be very difficult with no atmosphere. Solar power will be hard since night time lasts two weeks. Radiation will damage electronics unless they bury them.
No hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, or other types of disasters on the moon. Asteroids are rare enough now that they basically don’t count.
Latency is high but it doesnt matter for data redundancy.
Anything that needs a lot of data. Same reason you’d download something to your PC instead of streaming it.
Also for local processing before upload. If you have a huge data set that compresses well, it’s much better to compress first, then upload to Earth.
Well I guess that’s what it takes to make Microsoft’s ocean bottom data center look reasonable. 😬
Seems like the moon would be close enough for our standard IPv6 TTLs to work, but it seems more likely that we will have to abandon domain names in favor of something like IPFS, since it’s a resource locator instead of a location locator. If you were on Mars, for example, you would not want to have to contact Earth every single time you wanted to load a web page. And so you would contact Earth the first time to load it. And then it would be saved locally. And so anybody who requested that page in the future would talk to you instead of Earth.
Nothing would stop you from running a DNS server on Mars and handling requests locally.
The problem isn’t the DNS requests. It’s the data synchronization that would have to occur if you were accessing a service hosted on Earth.
It’s called caching and it’s been mostly solved for decades (except invalidation).
Sounds like some sort of decentralized federation of server resources. I don’t know, seems a bit advanced. /s
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I wonder what the moon’s top level domain name would be?
We’ve had .moon and .mars since 2009
Edit: Looks like r/CryptoCurrency has recently acquired the .moon TLD.
Because of course they have. All they give a shit about is getting rich on fiat gains. They don’t give a shit why crypto was actually created to begin with. But that’s a whole different rant.