Hold on hold on, did he say thank you?
US officials being full of shit is nothing new
But they’re taking the bullshit to the moon
I think you’re massively understating the scale here. This isn’t just a few politicians full of shit. This is a broad and coordinated attempt to control the flow of truth, where Trump and his cronies get to decide what that is. They’re alienating anyone who doesn’t kiss the ring and chilling speech across the US with explicit threats of legal action and implicit threats of violence.
This isn’t just politicians being full of shit; this is an intentional attempt to push that Overton window a little more. Don’t let them make you think that this farce is just business as usual.
This is not normal.
100% this!! Additional reference that this is a Russian originated propoganda technique called firehosing: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood
Systematically making truth into an ongoing battleground, is very different from generic politician brand dishonesty.
Thanks for the clarifying reference! As someone who has watched a lot of apologetics debates in religion, the smaller version of this technique is called the Gish Gallup.
There’s not a lot that we the average people can do against the State directly, who can weaponize the media itself, but we can work locally with our peers. If you are able to have a dialogue, you can use grounding techniques to guide people to see the flaws.
Deep Canvassing is effective for overcoming party loyalty and ingrained ideologies, as well.
All of this sucks, but we’re not powerless!
It’s ridiculous. Yet some people believe it
We’ve always been at war with Eurasia.