Does anyone have a good grasp or understanding from experience if hiding usb drives (or things in general) in plain sight is more effective than concealing from sight?
I have important data id like to keep backed up, but mobile and offline. I don’t care if the data got destroyed over time or corrupted but I want to keep it safe from prying eyes.(i have backups i just need this data offline and portable for my own convenience)
I’m also somewhat new to using bitlocker encryption and it’s easy to use but I do find myself wondering how hackable it is if at all (for the common attacker on a common person like myself). is it even worth it to buy a dedicated disguised cheap usb(pen style, throw it in my massive pen collection in office? Or can I just write the data to 1 or 2 of my old usb drives? I guess my concern is if an attacker came though my home they’d check for things that might be valuable like my safe, and obvious data storages/certain paperworks. But again would that even matter if 99.9% of attackers can’t fathom breaking a bitlocker encryption?
Thanks for any input
Originally posted by u/0SwifTBuddY0 on
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