I don’t blame you at all. Is the Working Families Party at all active near you? They have a reasonable presence in NY (which, admittedly, is where Schumer is). I find that they represent my values much better than the Democratic Party, and I’ve enjoyed the people I’ve met through them.
If they pretended to care they wouldn’t have done a lot of shit.
They literally do not care, and have told me as such in many form letters sent after I contacted their offices.
For 25 years I’ve tried to have my little voice heard and it’s been ignored at best and ridiculed at worst.
I’m through pretending to be a democrat so assholes can take advantage of me and insult me when I dare to question them.
And finally: Fuck John Fetterman
I don’t blame you at all. Is the Working Families Party at all active near you? They have a reasonable presence in NY (which, admittedly, is where Schumer is). I find that they represent my values much better than the Democratic Party, and I’ve enjoyed the people I’ve met through them.
Nope, the WFP isn’t. The IWW is tho