She was strangled, threatened with a knife and forced to lie in a bathtub while Labatte covered her face with a washcloth and poured water on her, the complaint says.
Did you know that modern society has an entire profession based around teaching other people’s sons? Like, adults learn for years how to do this, and then we pay those people to teach our sons and everyone else’s sons too. Most countries even make it a legal requirement to be taught by someone!
You’re presenting that as a gotcha moment? Just wait until you realize… that schools already teach you not to rape. Almost like a baseline level of functioning in society… requires you to be aware of basic rules like don’t rape or murder?
It’s amazing what you can do if you try.
Did you know that modern society has an entire profession based around teaching other people’s sons? Like, adults learn for years how to do this, and then we pay those people to teach our sons and everyone else’s sons too. Most countries even make it a legal requirement to be taught by someone!
It’s amazing.
You’re presenting that as a gotcha moment? Just wait until you realize… that schools already teach you not to rape. Almost like a baseline level of functioning in society… requires you to be aware of basic rules like don’t rape or murder?
The same schools that fire teachers for talking about sex ed? Yeah, you have no idea.
How old are your kids?
Go suck a Trump, you pedo.