The hive mind might already be here, depending on who you ask. I was already left/progressive, though, so it just feels like hanging out with like-minded people.
Jerks I can do without, but they’re unavoidable. Simply not engaging with them seems to work best.
I feel like to a point it might be, but to a point in today’s age and internet - everything is an echo chamber so it’s turned into a “pick ypur poison” kind of thing.
That being said, open discourse and actual conversation seems more prevalent and easier to come by here then on reddit which is very nice.
The hive mind might already be here, depending on who you ask. I was already left/progressive, though, so it just feels like hanging out with like-minded people.
Jerks I can do without, but they’re unavoidable. Simply not engaging with them seems to work best.
I feel like to a point it might be, but to a point in today’s age and internet - everything is an echo chamber so it’s turned into a “pick ypur poison” kind of thing.
That being said, open discourse and actual conversation seems more prevalent and easier to come by here then on reddit which is very nice.
Plus, I had forgotten how much I missed actual conversation!
I think the different instances help with that, as it encourages at least some interaction outside of your direct bubble…
That said when Hexbear re-enable federation I very much doubt “open discourse” or “actual conversation” will be the results
Oh I hadn’t heard about that. Could you elaborate at all or point me in the direction of some more info?