Because of political machinations of Queen Margrete Norway and Denmark got the same king in 1380 resulting in a union and later sort of annexation of Norway into Denmark.
Now follow a series of wars with Sweden the next 400 years.
Im the peace of Brömsebro in 1645, Herjedalen is ceded to Sweden.
In the peace of Roskilde in 1658 The King had to ceede Bohuslen, Jemtlandand Trondheim len to Sweden. (Trondheim was later ceded back)
In 1814 after the Napoleonic war Denmark-Norway was on the losing side and the Danish king had to ceede Norway to Sweden, while Faroe, Iceland and Greenland who was part of the nominally seperate Kingdom of Norway was not.
Norway became independent in 1905/and tried to get Greenland back in 1930 with no success.
Mind you none of the people living in these areas now are remotely considering themselves Norwegian.
In 1905 Norway had rearmed and fortified the border in preparation for war that never came. In the end we elected a Danish prince as King.
The Danish “tyrrany” lost Norway lots of land and I have had people in Balkan countries look horrified and shocked that we dont do anything to reclaim what is rightfully Norwegian.
It says something about the mindset as we now call Sweden “Broderfolket” (Brother people). No one cares about the “lost” land and we sort of took Bohudslen back by buying up tons of summer homes there
Because of political machinations of Queen Margrete Norway and Denmark got the same king in 1380 resulting in a union and later sort of annexation of Norway into Denmark.
Now follow a series of wars with Sweden the next 400 years.
Im the peace of Brömsebro in 1645, Herjedalen is ceded to Sweden.
In the peace of Roskilde in 1658 The King had to ceede Bohuslen, Jemtlandand Trondheim len to Sweden. (Trondheim was later ceded back)
In 1814 after the Napoleonic war Denmark-Norway was on the losing side and the Danish king had to ceede Norway to Sweden, while Faroe, Iceland and Greenland who was part of the nominally seperate Kingdom of Norway was not.
Norway became independent in 1905/and tried to get Greenland back in 1930 with no success. Mind you none of the people living in these areas now are remotely considering themselves Norwegian. In 1905 Norway had rearmed and fortified the border in preparation for war that never came. In the end we elected a Danish prince as King.
The Danish “tyrrany” lost Norway lots of land and I have had people in Balkan countries look horrified and shocked that we dont do anything to reclaim what is rightfully Norwegian.
It says something about the mindset as we now call Sweden “Broderfolket” (Brother people). No one cares about the “lost” land and we sort of took Bohudslen back by buying up tons of summer homes there
First summer homes, then charming yet unpretentious little gift shops, then ice cream stands…where does it end? ;)