Helping someone else helps.
Loving your neighbor gives us this feeling that we are not , how we say, ‘worthless’ or entirely worthless…
Praying for deliverance from this mental attack, or praying for answers as to why you feel this way… the father give us answers…
Talking to a fellow brother or sister… so if you’d like someone to talk to I am right here.
You’re a good man
I am like 2 steps below that. I am neither man nor good. I have yet to be perfected. But you sir are a good man for leaving that comment. Get through the suffering with a smiling face because your reward will be great in heaven. Im going to quote eminem here but, You only have one shot do not let your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime, you better… lol. I love you man, don’t let whatever youre going through get you down.
Hot Sauna followed by Ice Bath.
3 or 4 times a week for a few weeks, and you will feel amazing
get some sun
eat healthy
get a hug from someone?
Can i have a hug?
virtual hugs for wigglehard
Twas weird typing that…