This part I didn’t like, I’ll certainly say that much:
Those who teach such ideas seem not to be aware that the world community of scientists would soon discard any hypothesis that conflicts with observation. That is why science has made such rapid progress since Galileo ignited the scientific revolution in the 17th century. Those societies that have lagged behind are those that tried to subordinate science to social convictions, including religions and such political dogmas as Marxism, nazism, fascism and similar movements that forbid free, critical thinking. We must go back to the optimism of the Enlightenment and teach the coming generations that whatever humanity knows has become known because of science. Everything else is wishful thinking, and may be so dangerous that it might spell the end of our civilisation.
Woah cool it with the ableist language! /s
This part I didn’t like, I’ll certainly say that much:
Oh wow
I skimmed through again and you’re right.
My apologies. Perhaps I should delete…
Are you referring to the “stupidity” title?
I’m joking.
Looking into it
Oh okay.