Jeju language is a Koreanic language, but it is a separate language from Korean. It was commonly called a dialect for a long time, but now it is acknowledged as a separate language. However, it has an endangered status, and not everyone in Jeju speaks it fluently. Instead people in Jeju usually speak Korean but with some influences of Jeju language.
I don’t know a lot of information about Zainichi Koreans’ way of speaking but I have been listening to some information about Korean schools in Japan lately, so I will probably learn some more about it and hear it more as I listen to interviews of people.
Other Question : is it true that people in the Korean peninsula still use the 한자 (漢字) to some extent ? like for historical documents , paperwork , classical poetries and other things ?
Aww 🥰 thank you for your response. I really appreciate it ☺️.
Yeah I’m trying mostly on learning to understand and to have conversations with it .
And I know very well that there are other dialects of the language out there ( by the way I love all of them )
By the way talking about the dialects of the korean language. Do you have heard about the zainichi Korean dialect ( 재일조선어 ) ?
Edit :
Question : is 제주말/제주어 a dialect of 조선어 or a different language separate from the koreanic language family .?
Jeju language is a Koreanic language, but it is a separate language from Korean. It was commonly called a dialect for a long time, but now it is acknowledged as a separate language. However, it has an endangered status, and not everyone in Jeju speaks it fluently. Instead people in Jeju usually speak Korean but with some influences of Jeju language.
I don’t know a lot of information about Zainichi Koreans’ way of speaking but I have been listening to some information about Korean schools in Japan lately, so I will probably learn some more about it and hear it more as I listen to interviews of people.
Other Question : is it true that people in the Korean peninsula still use the 한자 (漢字) to some extent ? like for historical documents , paperwork , classical poetries and other things ?