Libs: stop telling the rich to throw money away, it’s not gonna solve everything.
Also libs: Ukraine aid asap, thoughts and prayers.
Rest of thread contains: billionaire apologia and dehumanization of the homeless
Fuck crapitalist realism
Eat the rich
I’ve been resisting posting it but there’s a .ee neolib I’ve been arguing with who says that my suggestion “make capital flight illegal, take 99% of what they own if they try and let them fuck off with the last percent” is deeply immoral for leaving the poor uwu billionaires with “nothing”.
Meanwhile, I think I’m being too soft on them. Typically when you smuggle something and get caught, you lose all of it and face punishment on top of that.
1% of 1 billion is still 10 million lmao
I did indeed point that out, and they said “10M is nothing to a billionaire” like yeah, maybe money enough to never work again being “nothing to them” is part of the problem!