There are a lot of things in life that I love, but those things will always inevitably come into conflict with organizing somehow. So far, the only ways I’ve been able to resolve this have basically come down to bullying myself for caring about anything except socialism, or ignoring the problem. Both seem toxic. How do you deal with it?

    2 years ago

    Don’t make yourself feel like you’re a “bad communist” if you’re not spending every available hour of your life organizing. You could eventually come to resent your work or comrades and burn yourself out, none of which is healthy for you or your org. A rested, focused, energized, and optimistic you is going to be a lot more productive in organization, and you’re going to be mentally in a better place.

    I’ve been down the route of using all my time for organizing, and it’s just not sustainable. Yes we’re dedicated communists and this is a sacrifice, but we’re not all Che. Each of us is not going to be a super-human organizer, which is why we build together as comrades and not individuals.