Looking back do you notice a difference pre and post puberty, or working life, or marriage etc.?
As a kid and post puberty, through my teens, it was mostly male friends. In college it began to transition to more femal friends, then since entering the work force it became pretty close to 50/50.
wait, i have friends now?
I had all female friends outside my best friend and maybe two other guys. Otherwise the only time I hung out with guys was if they were with the girls I hung out with.
Got married to my wife 7 years ago and I have talked to those female friends maybe 5 times. I don’t really have any friends that aren’t from work. Some of them are great but it’s hard forming friendships that last when you are working full time and have a family.
My “friend group” stayed the same in terms of gender makeup, but more importantly, my friend group has always shrank consistently as I’ve gotten older.
I have always had more of an affinity towards females. I don’t know why but I like people who are different than me. But in general males are typically difficult. Anyways, in highschool my female to male friend ratio was something like 10:1 or something like that. Nowadays it’s difficult to determine, but I think it’s about even or slightly tilted towards males.