Forgive me if I’m just overthinking or thinking about nothing, I’m just wondering how educated should a worker be to be class conscious?

How I came to thinking was just pondering on people who are gullible to other people’s opinions, and the ethics of ethical education? Maybe just nonsense meta stuff, but what exactly can people do, and how can we teach people to be self-aware enough to listen to what they truly believe in. Especially when it comes to adolescents who are surrounded by information dumping news sources and ideas from all sides, and any one source just has to be charismatic/bold enough for it to stick in someone’s head for long term

    1 year ago

    I think there might be a correlation with higher education and internalizing doctrinal assumptions about capitalism. At least in the United States. But it really just depends on what you mean. You’re talking about formal education versus just learning about class consciousness throats independent study or life experience etc…

    The latter is extremely important. The former can be useful but if anything I think it will funnel more people into further accepting the deeply ingrained ideological assumptions of the elite classes.

    People do seem to inherently understand that the game is rigged but they have been conditioned in a million ways to either do nothing about it or to blame the wrong people. It does require some pretty serious deconstruction to try to avoid internalizing this.