This was put on the bad site 3 years ago and was my most upvoted post. Here is the rest of the details comment, though I’m not sure how much is relevant now.
Distro: Manjaro
WM: bspwm
Compositor: u/iBhagwan fork of picom
Wallpaper: spaceman-jellyfish
Font: Source Code Pro
Statusbar: Polybar (config basically stolen from u/AquillianFireblazer and u/firo_mangafan )
This was put on the bad site 3 years ago and was my most upvoted post. Here is the rest of the details comment, though I’m not sure how much is relevant now.
Distro: Manjaro
WM: bspwm
Compositor: u/iBhagwan fork of picom
Wallpaper: spaceman-jellyfish
Font: Source Code Pro
Statusbar: Polybar (config basically stolen from u/AquillianFireblazer and u/firo_mangafan )
Terminal: URxvt
Shell: zsh
Programs: Doom Emacs, Wordgrinder, ytop, feh, pfetch, scrot, neofetch, htop
Woman falling through water is some art from Erra Neon, snatched from here
Is it the compositor that gives the rounded windows?
Yes! :)