Tainted CPAP machines and ventilators went to children, the elderly and at least 700,000 veterans despite internal warnings. Company insiders said the devices posed an “unacceptable” risk.
Exhibit #482,683 on why capitalism and medicine are inevitably a horrible combination.
You’re entitled to that opinion, but if I go out right now and murder someone with my vehicle due to deliberately or accidentally getting drunk, I’m probably going to jail. Corporations have demanded that they be treated as people, so…fine. Let’s give them what they want.
thats a bridge to far for me but I would really like regulation to go back to what we were doing in the 70’s
You’re entitled to that opinion, but if I go out right now and murder someone with my vehicle due to deliberately or accidentally getting drunk, I’m probably going to jail. Corporations have demanded that they be treated as people, so…fine. Let’s give them what they want.
yeah actually my brain sorta misread and I thought you were talking executing the board. rereading its not to bad.