• XIIIesq@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It’s not as bad as “disordered eating” makes it sound. It’s not like you’re bingeing and then throwing it back up.

    We didn’t evolve to have constantly stocked up fridges and cupboards. In cave man times, you would go through times of plenty and times of famine many times in your life. Maybe one week you hunt a nice big stag, you’ll eat as much as possible because you don’t know when you’ll next have a successful hunt and it’s not like you can just pop it in the freezer, especially if it’s at a time of year where gathering fruits and seeds is unlikely.

    Eating lots one week and little the next is arguably better than the constant grazing that we take for granted in modern times. What you’re doing is more natural given the way that we evolved than what the majority of us do.