ANKARA, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Friday called on Israel to stop its attacks on Gaza, which he said amounted to genocide, and urged the international community to work for a humanitarian ceasefire in the region.

In a post on social messaging platform X, Erdogan also said Israel was provoking non-regional actors instead of turning back from its mistakes in Gaza, adding that the region needed saving from the “frenzy of madness” supported by Western powers and media.

    1 year ago

    Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on Earth. All they have is civilian infrastructure! By your definition, they shouldn’t be allowed to retaliate at all if they didn’t want to risk civilian deaths.

    You don’t seem to understand. It is war. If a building became a military target because Hamas Terrorists were in it or near it - that building became a legitimate military target according to International Humanitarian Law. Israel is then legally allowed to destroy that target, even though this might cause civilian deaths. I personally don’t like this, but this is the reality of war. A war that Hamas has brought to the Palestinian people.

    And let’s be adults and stop gassing for a minute: Israel wants Gaza to shrink, and said as much, as if illegally stealing all that land to begin with wasn’t enough.

    The stance of Israel is: If you attack us, you have to pay for that by losing land. And several Terrorist Groups have attacked Israel quite a lot to be frank. Of course the territory gets smaller and smaller every time.

    That’s what this is all about. Terrorist settlers in the West Bank are clearing out villages by walking about to people and shooting them at point-blank range, with soldiers only a few feet away, just watching and not reacting. They’re not even ‘at war’ and those terrorists are clearing Palestinian Territory.

    If this happens, those people are criminals and should be put in jail.

    This is simply and truly a Nazi-esque genocide, conducted by people whose grandparents likely witnessed those horrors first hand. They should know better.

    This is Bullshit - and you know it. If Israel wanted genocide, they could have done it several times already. There are ten times as many Palestinians now, compared to creation of the state Israel in 1948. You do realize how incredibly bad the Israelis seem to be with this whole genocide thing?

    On the other hand: Remind me again what the Hamas founding charter says about Israel?