Fallout does not deserve to be the work of fiction that has the best depiction of a US/Canadian conflict, like there’s shitty comedy movies, and maybe a Turtledove book that even deals with it. But all of them treat it as a joke, like the second closet thing I can think of treating it somewhat seriously is maybe infinite jest but it’s like Quebec and French people aren’t real and their struggle was like a a school production with cardboard to like the IRA.

Idk, I’m done ranting.

  • Comp4 [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    There is a short comicbook series called “We Stand On Guard”. Text is Straight from Wikipedia. The series is set in Canada in the years 2112–2124, in a time when it has been invaded by its neighbour the United States of America. The story centres on a band of resistance fighters in the seemingly vanquished Canada, and their exploits involving skirmishes with the United States Army and its vast supply of mechanised weapons, including giant robots