Hi there,
This site has a focus on music. Not being able to share audio clips makes no sense. Of course you can use a third party tool to share audio clips but I think the barrier is too big.
Here’s what I want to do: I want to create a micro application that allows people to upload audio or video clips to be able to embed them into their posts. The design goals are:
- low barrier of entry
- good viewing experience
- useful on mobile
Now I can easily do the technical stuff (upload and store files, embedding, deployment) but I’ve always had a hard time with graphical design for small apps with very few features.
Would any of you have the skills and time to contribute a design?
I could imagine something with flask- html - css. Ive at least seen a drag and drop component in flask. Iḿ experimenting a lot with webservices lately like my 4-tracks beat site. Not sure if Iḿ up to anyones standrads but I could probably write a working and acceptable looking UI for that.
Problem is that Iḿ currently focused on stuff I need to get down in this month. So maybe in the long run I could help with that.