So this is some bollocks. Guess I’ll be cancelling our plan since it’s only used by two of us.
Current price $17.99/month, new price $32.99/month.
If they boiled the frog better I would probably have accepted a $5/month price rise, and then another later… But close to doubling in one go is a no from me dawg.
Thank you for being a loyal member throughout our journey. We created YouTube Premium so that you could enjoy all the videos and music you love without interruptions.
To continue delivering great service and features, we are increasing the YouTube Premium family plan price to A$32.99/month. We don’t make these decisions lightly, and this update will allow us to continue to improve YouTube Premium and support the creators and artists you watch on YouTube. This is the first ever price increase for your subscription.
Links to cancellation etc:
Yea it’s a pretty crazy increase. time to VPN up and move the family plan to india or turkey.
What are the downsides of buying a plan from another country?
There’s always the chance that your account gets blocked in some way, or perhaps even your payment processor flags it as fraudulent. so it is best to set up a new account entirely just in case.
Also, your music and some algorithm suggestions will get mixed up, but that tends to solve itself after a little while
They raise the price, and price out locals, of that country?
Nah google is doing that already, with or without the tiny percentage of people who seek to make their greed sting a bit less.