As the title says. I want to get my first Bonsai, but I cannot decide which one. What can you recommend for indoor placement? What do I need to keep in mind?

  • ColdFenixM
    1 year ago

    Fukien Tea (Carmona microphylla) is a good one to start with imo. It is relatively cheap to get and easy to care for in my experience as it is quite visible when it’s not happy but bounces back quickly if you adjust the care. It needs a sunny place next to a window and maybe some misting in the winter months, depending on your humidity.

    Another option for a permanently indoor bonsai is the very popular ficus. I’m not a huge fan of it’s looks, but it is very easy and cheap to get and relatively hardy for a bonsai.

    Bonsai like maple or elm can be kept indoors, but it’s quite tricky, so I wouldn’t recommend them as a pure indoor plant for beginners.

    Edit: Portulacaria afra is very easy to care for if you can find it as a bonsai and like the look of it.