Do you believe that men who have successfully transitioned should be allowed to compete in women’s sports? Let’s not attack each other and just give our opinion and give educated, civil answers

    1 year ago

    I’m quite leaning towards a no, as long as:

    1. men and women keep competing in separate categories (in sports where it applies)

    2. we celebrate wins, medal and achievements more than just participation

    3. we aim to have at least some semblance of fairness in sports

    At the end it may be a case-by-case basis problem, where some transwomen may have a significant advantage, while others may not. This however opens another can of worms.

    At the end I’d leave the decision and specifics to the people being affected by this issue, the women in sports. There’s no need for hating and attacking each other for being on either side of this debate though.