The only other male bridge officer I can remember off hand is Spock, right? What a massive drift. “Can’t get used to it so therefore WOMEN EVERYWHERE”

Another reason to love SNW. As if one was needed.

    11 months ago

    I feel like it’s not nearly as hard as people make it out to be, very conveniently excusing their carelessness by insisting that nobody else is paying attention either and sometimes even lashing out at anyone who points out (let alone calls out) a problem, or simply something that could be stated better. Can we stop throwing around “crazy” and “insane” whist people are still being called those terms as an attack based on mental illness? You know, that thing that seemingly everyone has because mental health isn’t taken seriously enough? Nah, “words change.” How about “savage?” That one “changed” too. Some still think “gay” is a term for anything they dislike. I remember people insisting that word had changed, too. It hadn’t, of course. Seems like many (most?) just want to act however pops into their heads without ever thinking about it :-\ Few want to hear they’ve done anything wrong, even when they clearly very much have; fewer still will bother to self-examine.

    I suppose my point is, I think that taking some actual care in how we act and especially _inter_act can reveal these issues before they become “oh wow, tee hee we were so silly back before someone told us that women were people!”