• LemmysMum@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    So’s the E.U. they got it to work. The excuses Americans will make for allowing themselves to ignore the dead kid problem is astounding. And you’re right, there is more that drives homicide rate, like lack of social services, 10% of your population living without food security on an annual basis, 54% of your adult population reading below a 6th grade literacy level, there’s a lot of big problems and you aren’t fixing any of them.

    • SirEDCaLot@lemmy.today
      11 months ago

      And you’re right, there is more that drives homicide rate, like lack of social services, 10% of your population living without food security on an annual basis, 54% of your adult population reading below a 6th grade literacy level, there’s a lot of big problems and you aren’t fixing any of them.

      And on this I am in 100% agreement. It’s fucking shameful that we don’t take care of our own people. But our government spends money it doesn’t have like there’s no tomorrow; our military is bigger than the next 10 in the world combined (including all of our enemies) and we continue to fund it at absurd rates, we have billions of $ worth of domestic spying invading our privacy. And while we fight over whether we protect kids with more guns or less guns, we then throw them in schools where teachers are barely able to scrape by, send them into a cutthroat society where corporations fuck over the employees with no remorse, and where if you’re not rich you probably can’t afford much in the way of decent health care.

      Quite frankly it’s shameful. It’s appalling. If it or any part of it was imposed upon us by force by another nation, we’d all go to war and support using nukes against them. But we do it to ourselves so we smile and nod and say ‘oh he got cancer and went bankrupt and couldn’t afford treatment and died’ like that’s the way things are supposed to be.

      And then in our politics we fight over should we elect this loser or that psycho, should we have more guns or less guns, should we have more immigration or more border security, meanwhile upward mobility is down, quality of life is down, the wealth of the nation is being extracted by big companies, and we’re too distracted by random shit to fix the underlying problems.

      So if you think I’m one of the ‘Murica, fuck yeah!’ people, I’m not. I love my country and I’m proud to be American, but I’m not proud of what my nation has become lately.

      So’s the E.U. they got it to work. The excuses Americans will make for allowing themselves to ignore the dead kid problem is astounding.

      I would agree with this, but it’s not about guns (especially since most of those kids are shot with illegal guns by people who can’t legally own guns).
      The problem is poverty. And we do fuck all about that.

      • LemmysMum@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        No, it’s “not about guns”. We still have guns, I have friends who have guns, I’ve shot and hunted. It’s about having the adequate systems in place for BEFORE people get the guns. And yes there are lots of guns already, but not putting in limitations won’t make that number drop will it? Not trying voluntary buy-backs won’t get unwanted guns out of normal citizens homes. Not having adequate food, wealth, and access to education isn’t going to reduce the amount of crime that scared regular Americans into thinking they need emotional support weapons. Just do something, fucking anything. It’s not that nothing works, it’s that you refuse to try what works elsewhere because you’ve been fooled into thinking you’re special individual snowflakes, but your ravenous individuality has eroded any capacity you have for co-operation with your fellow Americans in securing your right to live.

        • SirEDCaLot@lemmy.today
          11 months ago

          There’s 500 million legal privately owned guns in the US. If you assume an average value of $450, that’s $225 billion.
          If I had $225 billion to spend, I sure as fuck wouldn’t spend it buying back guns. I’d fund mental health care, I’d fund education, I’d fund jobs programs.

          Not trying voluntary buy-backs

          These DO happen in a lot of places, on a local or state level. Doesn’t have much effect because the people who commit the crimes are the ones with illegal guns who aren’t gonna sell them.

          you refuse to try what works

          We are stupid in that we refuse to try things like single payer health care.
          But I suspect almost any gun policy you’d come up with has been tried somewhere in the USA.

          What you’re really missing is there are two kinds of gun owners in USA- law-abiding and criminal. The law-abiding ones aren’t committing most of the gun crime. Look at the stats for defensive gun use (when a law-abiding person uses a legal gun to stop or prevent a crime)- they aren’t tracked by government so the data has to come from statistical surveys, but even the anti-gun people agree that DGUs happen 5-6x more often than firearm homicide.
          Most DGUs end with no shots fired- criminal sees gun and runs away.

          It’s not that nothing works, it’s that you refuse to try what works elsewhere because you’ve been fooled into thinking you’re special individual snowflakes, but your ravenous individuality has eroded any capacity you have for co-operation with your fellow Americans in securing your right to live.

          And with respect, this is a totally ignorant comment that’s based on an anti-gun talking point and not any actual knowledge of American gun policy, gun ownership culture, stated reasons for owning guns, or anything other than conjecture and accusation.

          You say ‘try what works’ (presumably referring to European-style gun control) but show no concept of understanding how truly difficult (damn near impossible) it would be to implement, even if a majority of the nation wanted it (which they don’t). And you ignore the fact that much of what you call ‘what works’ HAS been tried, or is currently being tried.

          I don’t mean to insult you or personally attack you. But the fact is your accusations show little understanding of the REALITY of American gun ownership, why Americans buy and own guns, and what they do with them.
          I’m happy to share what I know. But if your mind is concluded and closed, if you’ve just decided ‘Americans are ammosexual hicks who refuse to give up their penis extenders to keep their own kids safe’ and you are not open to even entertaining the possibility that reality is much more complex than that, then there’s nothing I or anyone else can say.
          If you want to understand, at least from one American’s POV, like I said I’m happy to share. And IMHO it’s fascinating- I wasn’t always pro-gun, I wasn’t raised around guns or gun culture, so what I know comes from my own independent research without most of the emotion you see in many gun arguments.
          So my friend, can you try an open mind?

          • LemmysMum@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            Boohoo, gun control is hard so we aren’t gonna do it. Dead kids just gonna keep piling up till you do. Stop killing kids with your emotional support weapons you fucking cowards. How about that for opening your goddamned mind, or is the only mind opening you know the sort that happens with lead in American schools.

            • SirEDCaLot@lemmy.today
              11 months ago

              I don’t believe you’re reading anything I write with an open mind or good faith.
              I’ve tried to explain that we HAVE tried, we DO try, almost any gun control you might propose either exist in one state or another or has been tried at some poine.

              It sounds like your approach is either ‘do exactly what we do the way we do it or you’re wrong’.

              I’m happy to debate in good faith, but that requires you to read and address what I write rather than just throw insults and restate the same points you’ve already said (which I’ve already addressed).

              • LemmysMum@lemmy.world
                11 months ago

                I don’t believe your populace has done anything significant otherwise there’d be significant change. Actions speak louder than words. Have fun burying your babies.

                • SirEDCaLot@lemmy.today
                  11 months ago

                  I believe in the scientific method- test your theory and others, then go by what works and stop doing what doesn’t. Do you generally agree with this?

                  If you do, then how do you explain the fact that on your own link the state by state data shows little correlation between anti-gun policies in a state and low rates of gun homicide in the state?

                  If taking serious anti-gun action would actually reduce gun homicide, wouldn’t you expect states like DC and IL (which have strong gun control) to have less gun homicide, and states like VT, NH and UT (which have little or no gun control other than the federal minimum requirements) to have more gun homicide?

                  It seems to me that the policy YOU advocate isn’t having a demonstrably positive effect. How do you explain that?

                  • LemmysMum@lemmy.world
                    11 months ago

                    Because you also lack social services to move people out of poverty, you lack decent education, you lack food security. If you can’t see how these might increase one’s feeling of helplessness or danger of being attacked by those without, then you’re the one only ever looking at one part of the problem. Fucking dumbass americans, see the tip of the iceberg and think they have the whole picture. Fix your social welfare systems, fix your education systems, fix your gerrymandered bullshit electoral system, and stop killing your fucking kids.

                    Pathetic, weak willed, child mudering, emotional support weapon toting, undereducated, underfed, unhoused, violent, cowardly, ignorant troglodyte Americans are the problem. You are the problem.

                    The fact that you aren’t as angry at your politicians and representatives as I am at you is proof you don’t even think to care about fixing the problem. You’d rather count the ways you can shirk responsibility. At least you have plenty of dead kids to use to keep track of how many responsibilities you shirk, because you’ll run out of fingers.

                    Funny how Americans are all “THINK OF THE CHILDREN!” right up until the point where they actually need to think about the children. A country filled with muppets, all mouth, no brain, and someone else’s hand up your arse driving your actions.

                    There’s not much point in continuing, no number of insults no matter how pointed and accurate are going to get you to shed your wilful ignorance and intentional belligerence or accept any measure of personal responsibility. Lord knows you’re too individual to be responsible.

                    I mean, if dead kids can’t change your mind, what will?