So Monk is the one class we didn’t get a prior UA for, which means all the changes are totally new. I’m still wrapping my head around it. Martial Arts die increase: good. Martial Arts die not affecting weapons: bad. Step of the Wind buff: good. Stunning Strike nerf: bad but reasonable?

I feel like they knew Monks needed help, but it doesn’t really seem like they made as much effort to fix that as I think they really needed to. Anything I might be missing that saves the Class here?

    1 year ago

    I’m lukewarm on it. By my measure, the critical flaw in the monk’s design is stunning strike. Any discussion on the monk that I’ve had has invariably been pulled to that singular ability.

    It’s an incredibly swingy ability that only costs one point. As a result all monks need to weigh all their point-cost abilities against it, and in combat either the monk is a mediocre contributor or they undermine the whole encounter by disabling key actors. SS was nerfed, but I’d like to see a version where it was removed entirely and it’s power was distributed throughout the class.

    A key compromise that I think would be healthy is to transplant stunning strike into a subclass. That way players who enjoy that playstyle can opt for it, and DMs who dislike running games for those builds can disallow them at their table.

    As for all the other details, I’m uncertain. There are some improvements, but it’s hard not to see the system bending over backwards and straining to fit around stunning strike.