Things that are so obvious and ingrained that no one even thinks about them.

Here’s a few:

All US americans can go to Mexico EASILY. You’re supposed to have a passport but you don’t even need one (for car/foot crossing). Versus, it’s really hard for Mexicans, who aren’t wealthy, to secure a VISA to enter the US. I’m sure there are corollaries in other geo-regions.

Another one is wealthy countries having access to vaccines far ahead of “poor” countries.

In US, we might pay lip service to equal child-hood education but most of the funding pulls from local taxes so some kids might receive ~$10000 in spending while another receives $2000. I’m not looking it up at the moment, but I’m SURE there are strong racial stratas.

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Oh yeah, there’s a big-ass bunch of brainworms involved in that particular idea. Europe has just been better able to mask it’s “sexless virgins” problem by bombing poorer african countries and taking the civillian population in as refugees.

    Also I might just add that there was a sort of joke but not really in Denmark back in early 2022, where Denmark was trying to reform it’s immigration system (along the obvious us-foreign-policy lines) as our industrial corporations were screaming for a bigger workforce, but our population is too racist to just allow “anyone” to move here and work those plentiful jobs. Suddenly the war in Ukraine was breaking out, and a danish comedian said on national tv, that strictly speaking Putin might have just saved the danish economy by creating a bunch of refugees who are highly educated and can thus work our industrial jobs. Immediately after, the danish confederation of industry (bougie union) went out and said that Ukrainians in general are not qualified to do the jobs that their membership wanted done.