Freedom of what? Freedom from public healthcare? Freedom to harass minorities? Freedom to exploit the working class?

    1 year ago

    Just so you’re aware, you’re on a communist instance. We don’t really like the US here, or the US military.

    But you’re absolutely right. It is instilled in children in the US from birth. I’ve witnessed it first hand. They teach kids about how the pilgrims came to the US to escape persecution. They neglect to teach that the pilgrims left Europe because Britain chose to re-instate the monarchy instead of dealing with any more of their bullshit (those assholes even tried to ban Christmas, because it was too much fun). They teach that “we the people” chose to have freedom from the monarchy. They neglect to teach that “the people” were only white landowning men, and they rebelled because they didn’t want to pay taxes. They teach that slavery was banned due to the good will of Abraham Lincoln. They neglect to teach that slavery is still in existence, and Lincoln only banned slavery because it would enrich northern business. He still had indentured servants and was responsible for the largest mass execution in US history. Not of slavers, but of natives who stole food because they were put on worthless land with nothing to eat. They teach to never forget the Alamo. They don’t teach that the Alamo happened because a group of American slavers fought for their right to own people. They teach that they triumphed over the nazis. They don’t teach that the Soviets largely won the war, and the US took in as many senior nazis as they could. Not to mention that their puppet, West Germany actually re-incarcerated the LGBT people freed from concentration camps.

    But congrats on having guns. We tend to like those as well. It might interest you to know that gun control efforts started in the US in response to black communists owning guns with the Mulford Act.