I’m using postmarketOS plasma edge on my Pinephone Pro. The KDE program Kasts (installed from a postmarketOS package) crashed when I tried to run it, so I filed a bug report with them. They suggested that I file this bug directly with postmarketOS. The rationale was:
These kinds of faults tend to happen when a library that Kasts depends on gets updated without Kasts itself getting recompiled. Then you can end up with an instruction that has changed in the underlying lib without Kasts knowing about this, leading to a crash. So, I would think it’s simply a matter of recompiling the package.
I’m not sure where the correct place is to file a bug with postmarketOS. If there is another place where I should do so, then do let me know in the comments below. Thanks.
Thanks. Good to know.
I did hear back from KDE, and they say this bug is being looked at in the Alpine Linux gitlab site: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/issues/15496