I’ve never watched pokemon nor played the games, so I chose now is better then ever to start.

I’m gonna post weekly or so about my progress through the games, starting with blue. No cheats.

So far I just defeated Brock and gave my Rattata Bide. I’m hunting for pokemon to replace my sucky Catterly with.

My starter was bulbasuar. I would like to post my saves but idk if mods will allow me

  • Wolf Link 🐺@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    The 54,876 Zubats in that tunnel suck either way (pun intended) regardless of who you chose as your starter. It gets better eventually once you have access to more different types (especially electro and/or ice) or get to your first Pokémart that sells Repels (keeps weak Pokémon away for a while).

    You got this ;)